Platon and music philosophy
I've been working on an essay on the subject music filosophy. I've been writing about Platon and his thoughts about music. It's actually interesting, except that we read from a book that has tooooo long sentences and too many odd words. It's been really hard to concentrate, so last night I gave up on it, and today I have talked me through his strange thinking together with Anne Grethe in my class. After doing that I understood a little more of the book as well. :)
Platon thought music was a divine thing (just like the rest of the greek people at that time.) He also thought that if you hear good music you will become a good person.
I also wrote an essay on my own filosophy about music according to my beliefs. That was even more interesting, because I looked up every scripture in the bible that used the words music, singing, playing and dancing. Then I made a list of music's functions in the bible. That was more than I thought. Maybe I'll blog about that next. :)