Tuesday, February 27, 2007

That summer feeling...

All of a sudden I felt a longing for summer.
Walking around my grandma's garden
watching all the blooming flowers,
listening to the bees buzzing
and smelling the earth.
Feeling the heat of the sun in a silent moment,
then to be refreshed by a cool wind.
Hearing my grandma calling my name
to tell me the waffles and limonade are served.
Later to ride my bike through the golden fields on my way home
thinking that I'm very blessed to have a grandma with a cottage and a garden.


bulleland said...

Nice pice

Anonymous said...


Koselig med besøk av deg på bloggen min.

I påsken skaljeg utforske Borneo, Malaysia, så kommer ikke til å være med på påskekonferansen i Bergen. Men kanskje neste år..?

Håper du har det fint og koser deg i Oslo!


Kjersti said...

Hei Hilde! Nå e vi begge i blogge- familien! :) utrolig fint bilde.. kommer helt i sommerstemning e.

J Dart said...

I like summer as well. Thanks for your post on my latest entry, that movie just really made me understand a few things.

I'm going to be in Brussels and France from June 15, unfortunatelly, not making it to Norway as far as I know, but I might be able to try...