Sunday, September 20, 2009

It was great hearing today about what this year's bible school class is experiencing with God. On friday they were "treasure hunting", which means they spend time praying and listening to what God says before going out in the city to meet people. They received words of knowledge from God about people with this and this outfit at certain places in town. When they later saw people who matched the description, they knew God had something he wanted to say to them. A few people were healed from physical pain and struggles after the students layed hands on them and prayed to God. Another person that they had received several words from God about, accepted Jesus into his life as his Lord and saviour. He was pretty amazed by what the students had to bring to him from God. From what I heard, I believe he really experienced that God loves him and sees him, and now he's received a brand new life. It's pretty amazing how much God loves people, isn't it!

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